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Chainsaw Entertainment
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Event grid valencia   feed

Massacre En Valencia / Invitado: Lucho Al Attaque

September 28

Rock City, Valencia

From 25,00 €

Event grid barcelona   feed

Massacre En Barcelona / Invitado: Lucho Al Attaque

September 29

Wolf, Barcelona

From 25,00 €

Event grid mallorca   feed

Massacre En Mallorca / Invitado: Lucho Al Attaque

September 30

Es Gremi, Son Castelló

From 25,00 €

Event grid madrid   feed

Massacre En Madrid / Invitados: Lucho Al Attaque

October 1

Copernico, Madrid

From 25,00 €

Event grid malaga   feed

Massacre En Malaga / Invitado: Lucho Al Attaque

October 2

La Trinchera, Malaga

From 25,00 €

Event grid ticketera  4

Tan Biónica: La Última Noche Mágica Tour - En Malaga

October 4

Paris 15, Málaga

From 39,00 €

Event grid la renga ticketera

La Renga - En Mallorca

October 16

Trui Son Fusteret, Mallorca

From 40,00 €

Event grid madrid

La Beriso / Madrid / Sala Mon

November 6

Sala Mon, Madrid

From 25,00 €

Event grid valencia

La Beriso / Valencia / Sala Rock City

November 7

Sala Rock City, Valenci

From 25,00 €

Event grid malaga

La Beriso / Malaga / Sala Paris 15

November 8

Sala Paris 15, Málaga

From 25,00 €

Event grid barcelona

La Beriso / Barcelona / Sala Wolf

November 10

Sala Wolf, Barcelona

From 25,00 €

Event grid mai   madrid

Mi Amigo Invencible En Madrid

February 13

Sala Nazca, Madrid

From 20,00 €

Event grid mai   barcelona

Mi Amigo Invencible En Barcelona

February 14

Sala Wolf, Barcelona

From 20,00 €

Event grid mai   valencia

Mi Amigo Invencible En Valencia

February 15

Sala Rock City, Almàssera

From 20,00 €

Event grid mai   malaga

Mi Amigo Invencible En Malaga

February 16

Sala La Trinchera, Cruz De Humilladero

From 20,00 €

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